
Donald Joseph Qualls better known as the screen title DJ Qualls was born in the United States. He is an actor, producer and model. In addition to the Road Trip role, he also appeared in The New Guy Hustle & Flow in addition to The Core. Alongside his role in Road Trip, he's played in 22 different TV series such as Breaking Bad Supernatural Srubs Lost Law & Order and many more. Qualls was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at age 14 and has been fighting this disease since. He was able to get rid of his cancer within two years. His body was severely affected by treatment, and his development was slowed down. As he began to make decisions, financial security seemed like his ultimate objective. He'd experienced poverty during his childhood. I've lived such a low-cost lifestyle over the years that I need the financial stability or my life feels beyond my control, when he spoke to an interviewer. Also, looking back to his youth He wants to change the course of the issue of bullying. The fact that cruel acts break his heart. The ideal character for him in films and in life is the father. But, he admits that the directors rarely cast him for those types of jobs. It would be wonderful to be one day a parent himself, when he will be able spend more time with his career and dedicate it to his son.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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